The Earth is our playground lets light our paths effiecently !
             The Earth is our playground lets light our paths effiecently !
             The Earth is our playground lets light our paths effiecently !
             The Earth is our playground lets light our paths effiecently !


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environmentally friendly

energy and eco 

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Carbon Footprint

What is A carbon Foot print ?



•Every time you switch on a light, drive your car, run water or put out your rubbish you’re making a decision

 that affects the environment. Natural resources – water, coal, oil, land and fresh air – will run out if we use

 them up at a rate faster than they can replenish themselves. There are many indications that this is already

 happening. Each person living day to day on earth has a carbon footprint, producing carbon emissions

 directly or indirectly, which have a combined negative long term effect on the environment.

•The good news is that you can make a difference. Every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity you avoid,

 saves over a kilogram of carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. Carbon 

dioxide (CO2) is the number-one contributor to global warming; a process that scientists say has led

 to a rise in global averagetemperatures by over half a degree Celsius over the past 30 

years and could raise the earth’s temperatures by 1,4 – 5,8oC by the end of the century.

 Installing an 11-watt LED light bulb in place of a 60-watt 

incandescent light bulb will save about 570 kWh

over the life of the compact fluorescent 

– saving more than 570 kg of CO2.